Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A Prosperity Gospel-M. Connell

This sermon, “Expect Good Things,” is very much solely that, expecting good things.  This preacher claims that we express our faith in God by expecting good things to happen to us.  In this sermon he explains how if we have a negative outlook and expect bad things to happen to us, then bad things will happen to us.  Likewise, if we have positively thoughts and start expecting good breaks then we will receive God’s blessing. This pastor asserts that because we are Christians we should expect God’s blessings in our lives.
This is a prime example of the “Prosperity Gospel” in action.  This is a gospel presentation that strips away much of the truth and focuses on the blessings of God. This form of the gospel can be very dangerous as it shifts the focus from Christ and God to us.  Suddenly, we have a very self-absorbed gospel. While it is true that there are blessings that God may give us, we should not be so consumed with receiving gifts.  When we concern ourselves so much with the blessings of being a Christian, we are using becoming a Christian as a way to get something for our own benefits.  We also train ourselves to think that we deserve anything.  How selfish! Not to mention dangerous! When a gospel presentation removes God, the sin of man, and the sacrifice of Christ and only focuses on the gift of eternal life and God’s blessings, the gospel is no longer about God and Christ. It’s about you. What’s more is that we are focus all of our attention on expecting blessings, we are immediately discouraged when something bad happens. Yet another facet of this false gospel teaches us essentially that as long as you want it badly enough, you can have it.  This isn’t what the gospel is about.  In this presentation, it was overlooked that we are created in the image of God. It was also omitted that humanity is a fallen and depraved society.  Most importantly, the message of Christ and his death on the cross and not to mention his resurrection after three days are eliminated. This presentation is all about how we have earned God’s blessing but that this is understood, not something expected.

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