This presentation of the
gospel focuses on the first chapter of John and seven specific revelations
found there. The gospel message is emphasized through the Word and its role in
the good news of Jesus Christ. The pastor mentions Jesus as the eternal,
personal, creative, life-giving, light-giving, saving, and incarnate word. He
urges the congregation to see their individual futility and need for Christ and
simply accept Jesus’ healing power to be saved.
This presentation of the gospel is really quite good. The pastor states the
powerful actions of God through Jesus, our powerlessness to gain our own salvation,
and the work of Jesus to take away our sin on the cross. However, while this
may be due to the short length of this message as well as the context, the
message fails to address the communal importance of the gospel and Christian
life. This factor can be seen in the “churchless” counterfeit gospel of Wax’s
book. This counterfeit focuses just on an individual basis for the need of
salvation and purpose and a church and community aspect is hardly mentioned.
The presenter of this gospel stresses individual needs and an individual agenda
for the saving news of the gospel. However this is only half of the necessary
steps we need to take as believers. While we need to work through our faith
individually, community and fellowship with other believers offers
accountability for our lives and provides an authority. This view can lead to a
self-righteous faith which sees only faults in the modern church and Christian
community. While many contemporary Christians speak of the importance of
getting back to the organic roots of the original churches, they fail to
recognize that those churches had just as many problems as the churches of
today. While a gospel message of individual salvation is a good first step to
entering into the kingdom of God, it must be followed by a community-oriented
faith and life.
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